Monday, March 16, 2009

Faith –High Into The Blue, and Beyond

Faith is more than just believing in God for a miracle. Over that it is our residence in the Spiritual realm. An article: Faith-high into the blue and beyond.

Always do we underestimate the unsurpassable greatness of faith, that which soars high into the blue, and then beyond. How far beyond? Further than we may realize, since it ascends into infinity. It meets God where He lives, and there the unthinkable happens; the unspeakable clears for itself a path. But we His people ever sell it short. We begin to contemplate the evil we have done, the darkness yet present within us, and transgressions that inevitably lie in the future. Then in all this we condemn our soul. We forget, or worse, have never understood, that faith far overrides every past, present, and future infraction of the believing child of God. Faith totally obliterates every work of darkness spawned from out of our hearts and minds, and moreover, eliminates every righteous work born of the light, when they rise up in attempts to justify us. Every work of darkness, more evil than we can imagine, and every labor of the light, no matter how great, are neutralized together, brought to nothing, and in the eyes of God stripped of all power and influence, when they are set up against the heart whose journey is by faith. Faith transcends both the good and the evil. Faith moves God. It moves Him from His place. When we take hold of Him through faith He is suddenly surprised; He is impressed. When we grasp His heart and wrench it, He is stirred, and amazed, and wonders over us. He is moved from His place, yet to His delight.

But just how great is our faith towards Him? Does it wrestle with Him until the dawn is awakened, so that His cry to us is “Let Me go for the day breaks!”? How mighty is the working of our faith? Do we overcome Him by it like Jacob of old? Not that we are greater than He, but He allows for Himself to be jostled by the heart that believes all things. He lets Himself become seized and shaken as a father who play wrestles with his young one, for he loves him so. Yes, faith is the thing that can stand alone and yet give pleasure to the King of the universe. He is not awestruck by the worst evils or the highest good, whether they be of men or angels, for He knows the works that every created soul is capable of. But it is by faith that He is disengaged from where He stands fixed; and it is when we move into the sphere of faith, and take up residence there, that we interact with Jehovah God as a full grown son with his father, a son who brings great pleasure.

Faith is a language; it is the language that the Almighty understands. He shares the innermost things with the one who lives there. As those upon a high mountain peak look down at the foothills, so does faith look upon the doings of men. Faith enters into secret places and truly sees that “all things are possible with God,“ for faith knows that “His understanding is infinite,” that “His judgments are unsearchable, and that His ways are past finding out.” Faith is the key that unlocks the door that leads back to beyond the beginning, when all that existed was light and truth and eternal Spirit. Faith sees God face to face and lives, though not in the flesh. Faith moves the mountains that are truly of old, those which were established by the morning stars on the day that they chose their allegiances. Faith has no limits as do deeds; its grounds of operation are infinity. There it sees all things; there it lives where it desires; there it loves and meets every need; there its joy is light inextinguishable; its peace is eternally flowing rivers; and its praises are forever; they are forever and forever; they are forever without end.

J. Pecoraro

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