Monday, September 5, 2011

Awe Inspiring God

How awesome is our God,
With whom we have to do,
Who neath our feet spreads pasture green
And to the sky speaks blue.

He takes the stars like priceless jewels
And sets each one in place,
That forever they may stand and sing
Before His glorious Face.

How awesome is our God,
Who fills the earth with seas.
He orders forth the raging winds
Yet sends the gentle breeze.

The highest mountain He brings down
To raise the lowest hill,
The working of His mighty Hand
For the pleasure of His will.

How awesome is our God!
He gives life to the dead!
And more than this He sets His guard
Upon that living head.

He leads him on in triumph;
Bows low to call him "son";
And walks with him thru all his days
Until his time is done.

How awesome is our God,
Whose paths escape our sight,
Who rides the tempest - dark and grim -
Yet dwells in heaven's great light.

Transcends His boundless universe,
Still His bosom is our nest,
Then sits upon eternity
And ordains it for His Rest.

-J. Pecoraro

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