Thursday, April 26, 2012


Upon the clouds – where hearts run Free,
And with the Fairest Lover,
There rode a cosmic cavalry
And Glory was their cover.
How songs rang out on the Newborn Day.
They were songs of Joy and Power,
As all sat Tall in vast array,
Each rider like a Tower.
Hope was once their weary test
Concerning the Great Day.
But now all hope was Manifest
As their Captain led the way.

Such Majesty upon His Head
Could Ne’er be told nor written.
And with His Sword so marked by dread
All foes would soon be smitten.
How His Eyes burned o so bright.
They’d lay each rebel Bare,
Exposing in them what was night
And Knowing every hair.
He wore a vesture dipped in Blood;
This to His enemy’s shame.
Yet by that Flowing Crimson Flood
This Warrior gained a Name.
His Name to none He could not show –
Not to those who knew Him best.
For God and God Alone would know
His Triumphs and His Quest.
Now there filled the endless skies
Innumerable white steeds,
And fierce, resonant battle cries
While attesting to the Creed.
Columns advanced side by side –
No, none could see their end.
They rode as Deep as they were Wide.
Now Conviction would not bend.
Then all did halt at His Command.
Throughout heaven there was Silence,
As the Captain gazed on a Bloody land
And beheld the peoples’ Violence.
To all He signaled – to Far and Wide.
Into a canter broke each steed.
One matched another stride for stride;
Was Glorious indeed.
Suddenly the pace sped up
And hard they all did ride.
Heaven’s Wrath had Filled the cup
With earth no place to hide.
Now the horses Rent the Skies
With pounding hooves of Thunder.
Lightning Flashed, blinding eyes,
And clouds were torn Asunder.
They rode with Fury, every man,
Hearts never so Awoken.
Though as Filled with Fire they ran,
The ranks were never broken.
Soon would start the great descent
To touch down in the east,
A mighty army Heaven-sent
To lay hold of the Beast.

As they alighted on the earth
The Nations were Amazed.
So long they’d heard of a mass Rebirth –
Still, minds were Sorely dazed.
Dismounting from the fairest steed
In the presence of Perdition,
The Captain glared at Satan’s seed
And at all his coalition.
To the Dark One it was shown
That now had come his Final hour,
As they bound him to a Great millstone
And Stripped away his power.

Then the Captain turned to a Weary World
And He vowed that Peace and Love,
Would be upon the earth Unfurled –
He had brought it From Above.
His army raised His Banner high.
He wiped the world’s Tears –
The Prince who rode down from The Sky,
And He Reigned A Thousand Years.

-  J. Pecoraro

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