Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Tale of Two Towers

 Image courtesy of posterize/

How technology has advanced over the last century. Think of all that has been introduced to us. We have witnessed the invention of the automobile, flying machines, the telephone, and who can count all of what has been set at our disposal? Because of the cars we drive, we no longer have to walk for long distances to see friends and family. Because of flight, we need not have to take long voyages across our oceans as we once did. And because of the invention of the telephone - which now we carry in our pockets - it became possible for us to chat with others without having to pay a visit. How all these things have served to bring us so much closer together - to shrink our world, if you will.

In the last half of the twentieth century there came an invention surpassing the popularity of all that has been mentioned. We call it the internet. When you talk about bringing together millions upon millions who call the earth their home, nothing will do it like this tremendously popular tool. Nation may be rising against nation as scripture predicts will happen near the end. But in another sense the people of our globe have never become more united - all due to the internet.

Now the whole earth had one language and one speech…And they said, come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth. But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of man had built. And the Lord said, Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they purpose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.

The people of the earth today - have we not built for ourselves a tower? And have we not made for ourselves a name? And nothing that we purpose to do is being withheld from us in the day and age in which we live. For in great leaps and bounds is our technology advancing, so much that many are becoming frightened over it, while wondering just where all of it is heading.

Don’t misunderstand. Does it sound like I am saying that an invention like the internet is evil? If so, why would I be making use of it? The internet is no more evil than a gun or a knife. Such things, having neither a mind nor a heart of their own, could never be found to have iniquity in them. But not so for the user. Here is where evil may lie. There are two different types of people who use the internet. There are those who are of a right spirit before God. Then there are those who are of the spirit of Babel. If the spirit is true before the Creator, then there is no sin. Rebellion against Him is not to be found. However, for the one who is of a haughty or of a foul spirit, in him, not only will there be rebellion present, but also every evil thing. This is the one, who when joined together with those of like minds, defiantly fly in the face of God. Look at all that we have achieved, is their thinking. They echo the words of their fathers of long ago. “We have built for ourselves a tower whose top is in the heavens; and we have made for ourselves a name.” I’m sorry to say that when He comes their ruin will be sure.

The first Babel had nothing redemptive to come from it. But following the present-day return of it there will be a long season of the mercies of God for all whose hearts have become joined to His own - the millennial reign of the Son. Then we will truly be united as a people, a universal harmony among the nations for a thousand years, something that at times was worked for by men but it wasn’t the Father’s time; neither was our thinking right in the matter of it.

In today’s rebellion the thoughts and desires of the people to be exalted to the place of God may be greater than ever before. Nevertheless it will be for the sake of His elect that He will bring the kingdom down to us. Then peace, love, and full devotion to the Father and the Son will flourish for a thousand years. And for a thousand years there will reign over us a Lion - a King such as the world has never seen. Once he was a Lamb, who allowed the world to have their way with Him. But it was all in the wisdom of God, even as His reign as conquering King will be. A Great Light will He be upon the earth, so that war will only be spoken of as a thing of long ago. Just as it’s written of at the end: “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”


- J. Pecoraro

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