Wednesday, October 8, 2014

My Gratitude To The Great I Am For My Journey In Christ Jesus

I would have to say that I could never thank my God enough for the doors that He has opened for me, by which I have been able to teach and preach His Living Word.  I thank Him for Lonnie Blakeny, my dear friend, brother, and mentor in Christ.  It was Lonnie who first instilled confidence in me upon becoming born again.  This good man took me under his wing, bringing me along with him on visitations to the homes of some of the church people.  Not too long afterwards he felt that I could teach young boys the fundamentals of the Christian life.  But I had never taught anybody anything; and that was what I had told him.  He asked me if I would give it a try.  He said that he didn’t think he was missing God on this.  I stepped out, and lo and behold I was successful. 

In the latter part of the decade to follow I found myself leading a new converts group and also doing home bible studies.  But in February of 1991, under the direction of a great brother, Mark Hausfeld, the biggest door of all would open.  I was certain that I was being called to an itinerant preaching/teaching ministry.  Pastor Mark confirmed this and helped to get me started.  Now I would visit numerous churches, expounding on the theme of a deeper life in Christ.  For fifteen years this went very well, and how I loved visiting with the people while coming to know many of them.  As if this wasn’t enough, it was in February of 1996 that the Lord made a way for me to be able to teach at Teen Challenge Ministries on  a part-time basis.  For seven years I was active in this - a seven year stretch that fell within the fifteen year period that I itinerated.  With all of this going on I worked a full - time job and did not grow weary.  This I attribute to no other but to God on high.   Not only did I not wear out but I look back on that period of my life with nothing but fond memories. 

It all came tumbling down.  In 2003 the Teen Challenge building caught fire.  The program had to move to Peoria, Il.  There was no way that I could move with them.  It was then three years later that I had to put an end to the itinerant ministry also. This was due to Assembly of God churches cutting down heavily on guest speakers, all because they had begun dropping Sunday evening services.

I guess it was for about a year that I was idle in ministry.  Then somewhere around the beginning of 2007 I was asked if I would like to lead a men’s bible study on Thursday evenings.  Where?  In one of the most impoverished and dangerous ghettos in Chicago.  I didn’t take long to give my answer.  Not only was it affirmative but I was excited about it.  For some reason that I’m sure God only knows, I always had an attraction to the inner city neighborhoods of Chicago -  or for that matter, those of any big city.  For me, there is something there. What that something is I have never quite been able to put in words.  I only wish I could.  But for four and a half years on Thursday evenings I met with a number of the men from Chicago City Church, along with some who would join us from the Door of Hope Mission, located about a mile from where we were.  We would have a study in the scriptures.  They were four and a half years that I will never forget - a beautiful time in my life.  These men were rough around the edges, true.  But I loved teaching them the Word, and they seemed to love me.  As far as I was concerned, the Spirit was with us every time we met.  Still today I miss those guys, and believe that the Day is near when we will be together again.

At the start of 2012, after being gone about six months from the City Church, I was offered a position once again at Teen Challenge Ministries.  I would be doing what I had done there before - teaching the scriptures to men with addictions.  Whether black, white or brown, believers or unbelievers, they enroll on a steady basis.  It was that way when I was first employed there; and it is still that way now.  The one thing that has changed somewhat is that there is a higher percentage of unbelievers with us now than what was there in the late nineties and into the new millennium.  I’m sure it’s the times.  Even still, a good number of these leave our facility born again. 

And so, for what reason have I written about the things that I have done in Christ? Is it an attempt to exalt myself?  Far from it. I’d be a fool.  I have done little in comparison to what most have done that have been called to ministry.  But I have written about these things because I knew that it would do my soul good to write about them.  Also I have written about them because I felt that it could do at least a handful of readers good to read about them.  I see these people being a lot like I once was - feeling they have nothing of real worth to offer anyone.  As I said in the beginning, a man by the name of Lonnie Blakeney took me under his wing after I had come to Christ.  Some months later he told me that the seventh and eighth grade boys were going to be losing their Sunday school teacher. He felt that the Lord was showing him that I should pray about stepping up in his place.  My reply was that I had never taught anybody anything.  He however convinced me to give it a try.  I did, and I couldn’t believe the results.  It was like slipping my hand into a glove made just for me.  And to top it all, I was sure that the boys had taken a liking to me.  Quite possibly,  you also have felt like you could never be a teacher to other people. Watch it! God is in the business of fooling His children on a daily basis.  And He loves it.  He too becomes thrilled when He sees how you have surprised yourself.  From cover to cover the bible is full of people who were the most unlikely to succeed; and those around them let them know it.  But they didn’t have the last word on the matter.  The One who knew their every hair would make that call.  And so they succeeded - and then some.

And now I must tell you about a man, more special to me than any other.  On May 23rd, 1999, the Lord saw fit to call his name.  I still miss him a lot today.  If it wasn’t for him I just may have lived a totally different life than what I have.  Mickey, as friends affectionately called him, told me of the gospel and my need for Christ for six years.  I put him off, and I put him off, and I put him off.  But he didn’t know the meaning of the word quit - at least not with me.  Then finally I hit my low point.  He had outlasted me.  And so on April 21st, 1973, I gave up the ghost - of the old man.  But our heavenly Father had put in me His Spirit - for the new man.  Now how do I say thank you to my good friend, Mickey?  I do not know.  But when I see him in a New world, I’m sure that the Lord will give me the words, along with a big strong hug.  What a guy; certainly not your typical everyday man.  But what a God who reigns - of which the same holds true.  Who is like Him?  Who has even come into close range?  Who has fathomed His depths?  Who has ascended His heights?  There is none.  And none shall there ever be.

J. Pecoraro


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