Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Separated From The Separated

 As believers in the Triune God, we have no doubt heard how He has called us to be separate from the world.  But remember that this is but a spiritual separation, since daily we find ourselves mingling with the people of the world.  Although, one day, a separation will come to pass both spiritually and physically, as we are caught up to the heavens to be with Him.  Until then, we have only become separated from unbelievers by and through the Spirit.  Yet are all separated unto our God to the same degree?  I would think not.

Do you remember when Joshua, Caleb, and ten other men were chosen to go spy out the land that their God desired for them to conquer?  When they returned ten of the men reported that Israel would be no match for what awaited them beyond the Jordan.  Only Joshua and Caleb believed that the God of Israel would deliver their enemies into their hands.  Were the other ten cowards?  They couldn’t have been, since out of a great number of Israel’s fighting men these ten were picked to go spy out the land.

I’d say that there wasn’t any way that the ten could have been cowards.  But they instead had another problem.  They couldn’t see how victory in Canaan would be humanly possible.  Though I’m sure that Joshua and Caleb also believed this.  Yet the difference between these two and the other ten was that they were not considering the human factor.  In their hearts they had cancelled it out, believing that it would be none but their God who would deliver to them the victory. 

Personally, I can see how all twelve of these fighting men would have been separated unto God over and above all the other soldiers.  However, there were two that stood out from the ten – separated from the separated; walking more near to their God than the others through faith.

It is much the same with the Body of Christ in the world today.  All who make up His Body have been separated unto their God.  But this doesn’t mean that there haven’t been some who have drawn more near to the Godhead than great numbers have done.  But then there will be those who will soar to greater heights still in the Holy One.  And so the ascents will continue on and on.  No doubt, the greater the ascents become, the fewer there will be who will abide in them.

Then there will be the Son.  It is He who is our High Tower, breaking through into the heavens with His own - setting each one in their place.  Glory be to the Son forever.  Even eternity will never reveal the mystery of Him, nor the mystery of His great love.

J. Pecoraro

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