Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Peace And Rest of God

 I guess it has become known by just about everyone  who has ever studied the scriptures, that Jehovah God has never been at all careless – no, not in any of His ways.  Surely He was not careless in the creation of the universe.  In fact, it could be safely said that all that He brought into being – yes, all that was ever spoken into existence by Him, was Truth and Light and Power and Perfection.  More than this, His words could never be judged – no, not by men nor by angels.  Yet the most amazing thing that I find about our Heavenly Father is that one day He will call for the Everlasting Rest of all that has ever been chosen of Him.  These are all that have been touched by His Everlasting Light, whether they be His warring angels, Adam’s elected seed, and even what will one day be an entire new universe. (See Hebrews Chapt 1).
But what is it like to be touched of God through the Light that He is?  Mere words will never truly tell the experience.  Yet how does a believer come to such a place in the Triune God?  Just like anything else of great value, sacrifice on our part will be called for.  He looks for us to set apart ample time for Him daily, even though it would mean casting aside the things of this world.  But once established in that Most Holy Place with our God and Maker, we will come to know and understand things which have been hidden to us in the past..  They have been hidden to us only because we have hidden ourselves from Him. 
Have we accumulated the amount of faith in our God that we should have by this point in our journey?  If so, then happy are we.  However, believe it or not, it doesn’t stop at faith.  Faith is meant to take us somewhere else.  It is meant to take us to the places of Peace and Rest that the Son of God has had in mind for us.  It is why He has told us, “ Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you Rest.”  This Rest is one of the places that Faith takes us to.  But without faith, we could never enter into that most wondrous Rest that our Lord and Master, Jesus our Saviour, has called us to.
Now here is a very important matter for us to remember.  Jesus, the Son of the Living God, calls for us not only to enter His Rest.  For you see, it is none but He, himself, who is the very Rest that He beckons us to Enter.  Now every believer that is in Christ most assuredly has a dwelling place in Him.  Sad to say, the great majority of us do not find Rest there.  Instead we labor – and we labor hard.  Why do we seem to find it difficult to see the only natural Son of the Father as being to us Eternal Rest?  Remember, He does not merely desire to grant us rest.  Instead He longs for us to get up on our feet, head out to battle, and even in the midst of battle to make Him our Rest.
Are we all aware that  Rest and Peace always march up front, while leading their brothers on in the fight?  They are as twins of the Spirit, moving always together and side by side.  They walk before their brothers who they teach to do battle and cause to know  wisdom.  Also they instruct them in the arts of war, so that their arms can bend bows of bronze.
When in the midst of spirit warfare, who is the One who goes before us?  He is God the Son – and he knows the work that must be done in each and every soldier of the Most High.  He being our elder brother and chosen of the Father, we must never worry about perishing at the hands of our enemy.  Remember the words of the great apostle Paul to us.
“ He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, How shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?  Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect?  It is God who justifies.  Who is he who condemns?  It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is ever at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.  Who shall separate us  from the love of Christ?  Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?  As it is written:  For Your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.  Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels or principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing , shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  We cannot lose!  We cannot lose!  And we cannot lose!  Great is our God!  And more Great is He than we will ever know.

 Do we see , and have we come to understand, that Peace and Rest is in our spirit man?  And do we see and have we come to understand that our spirit man is altogether alive in Christ, who in turn is altogether alive in us?  Who then is our victory and Who is our Peace?  Who is our Joy and Who is our Rest?  He is none but the One who the Father has given to rule and to reign forever and forever.  He is Jacob’s Ladder upon whom the angels ascend  and descend.  He is our High and Mighty Tower who breaks through with us into the heavens.  Lastly, He is our Peace and he is our Rest.  All these and more is the Son of God throughout ages Eternal.  All praise from all creatures Forever!

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