Sunday, February 26, 2017

On The Day That The Old Turns New

 Early this morning while I was listening to a Christian radio station, a woman called in with a question.  In Ezekiel 28:15 it speaks about Lucifer – that he was perfect in all of his ways, even from the day that he was created, until iniquity was found in him.  And so, she went on to ask that if God, his Creator, had no iniquity in Himself, and Lucifer being perfect in all of his ways, had then no iniquity in himself – from where did iniquity come?  The man clearly told her that there was no answer for her question.  I believe that in some sense Deuteronomy 29:29 answers it.  This verse speaks about the things of secret – or I guess you can say, mystery – belonging to the Lord.  I’d say a better answer couldn’t be found anywhere else in scripture.  Sometimes I think we just need to let God be God in His highly exalted position, while we be who we are in the lowly and humble places.

What if one day a man’s very intelligent six – year old asked his father to explain to him all of the many details of the job he worked.  If the man cooperated, the child would understand some things, while others would only make his head spin.  How similar is this to the believer’s experience as he walks under the watchful eye of his Heavenly Father.  And so, while we follow our Lord upon the paths He has marked out for us, He shows to us many things.  He opens the scriptures to us in accordance with how much we have grown in Him, along with our passion to know Him more.  However, I’m sure that no matter how we press Him and pull at His sleeve, that there are certain matters that we will never understand – that is, this side of the Kingdom in its fullness.  Yet in ignorance we may still make efforts to tear down the curtain that separates life on earth from the Life above.  But it will all be for naught.  What we are not ready for, He will not disclose to us.  We then can go on and on in trying to understand heavenly things with earthly minds – this being what we often do – but it will not be given us.  The revelations of God are given only as one becomes of age.  And there is so much that will never become known to us while still in this mortal flesh.

Sometimes I just like to sit and watch my four goldfish.  They always seem to be in such perfect peace as they swim and they swim from morning till night.  Never do they have any weighty matters on their minds.  I wish, I wish,  I wish I was a fish.  Not really.  Because one day it’s all going to happen.  In a flash we are going to be in the Presence of our God and Maker.  Immediate Joy, like has never been known, will begin to flood our spirits.  Every question will be forgotten.  The Light of God will be all about us, unlike any light we have ever known.  We, with Christ our Head, will become the heirs of a new universe– even as it is written of in the book of Hebrews.  The Old is now past.  The New Is Alive Forevermore.
J. Pecoraro

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