Monday, March 13, 2017

God Alone - The All In All

How amazing will the lives of Your children be, O God, whether on the earth or throughout infinite heavens in the ages to come.  We shall forever know how You alone are perfect in Your Peace and in Your Rest – and these will You lavish upon us.

A New and unending universe will You one day present to Your offspring – those who fill up the body of the Son of Your love.  Before the foundations of the world You knew us.

O God and Father of all things created – that we should never cease to know that You alone are our Center, and that the works of Your hands shall not cease from revolving about You – to the praise of Your glory.

As it is written, “ In You we live and move and have our being.”  Also, “You are before all things, and in You all things consist.”  Infinite by nature, You spill out over the ends of the universe – by Your Spirit!  Your heights are unfathomable while your depths have no bottoms; and to You alone belong the secret things.  In the final analysis, You are God Alone – The All In ALL.

J. Pecoraro

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