Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Entering the Kingdom

In what way will the children enter the kingdom?  I would imagine, naked.  Somehow, I believe that when we pass from this life and go to be with our Maker, that we will make our way to Him through a very narrow passageway – so narrow that there will not be room for any person, place or thing, so that these will be able to enter with us.  We will not enter with a parent or a sibling.  We will not enter with a friend.  Neither will we enter with any honors or merits or trophies of any type.  There will however be one thing that is going to be with us and upon us.  We will go through that most narrow way covered by the blood of Jesus.  Yes, washed spotless and without the slightest stain upon any of our members. 
In this moment we will not be minded of mother or father or brother or sister.  Neither will we be minded of the things we had achieved in our earthly journey.  Yes, naked will we appear before Him in that hour, no other thing being present with us but the blood.  It will be then that we will come to know His love in a way that we have never known it.  How great is our God!

 Should it now be any wonder to us why the Lord spoke these words: “If any man come to Me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.”  Not that the God of our salvation is telling us to literally hate our family members, along with ourselves.  But this is the point He makes.   It is that the love we have in our hearts for Him should be so utterly strong and unbelievably fantastic, that words will fail to tell of it; and that the love we would in turn have for earthly family and friends should appear as darkness and hate in comparison.   And so, when all is said and done, is not our very existence all about our God – Father, Son and Spirit?  How great is the Trinity of the Godhead!  How beyond us is the mystery of our God!

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