Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Coming of the King

 O Lord and King, O Saviour  Jesus, are You not now so far from our sight?  This old earth has groaned and its mournings are many and soon comes upon it the night.  But those who believe, Yeah all of God’s children, we are casting our eyes to the skies, for the Son will appear and the angels are many while devils are caught in their lies.

Come now, o  come now, o come now Lord Jesus, o call us up from this old troubled earth, to the place where You sit on Your white horse for battle, and make of our spirits a still greater birth.  Now we descend, yeah the saints and the angels.  We follow with linens  all covered with white.  Never an army so called to the battle, never our souls so filled with Such Light!  Blessed, so Blessed,  the Saviour forever!!! He leads us to war! He shows us His Might!  We  see Him in Power while stunned by His Wonder!  We advance on His left.  We advance on His right.

Soon and we all will set foot on Mt. Zion.  Our enemies rush us with hearts filled with hate.  Still they are the beaten for our King is a Lion, that Lion of Judah who will show them their fate!!!  Now comes a New Earth, O, One never passing! Yes, Never Forever it was always the plan.  The Father, The Son and the Sweet Holy Spirit, They had this in mind from before time began!!!


  1. Wow! Praise the Lord, The Holy One of Israel! What a powerful Word Brother! The Spirit of the "Most High God" Jesus is moving thru you in A Mighty way! Isn't He wonderful?!!! Worshop the Lord our Majestic Messiah Jesus Christ the Lord! 🕊
